088 8670 312 office@ipar2015.bg


Lemon balm

Melissa officinalis

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a herbaceous perennial growing in southern Europe and the Mediterranean.

Lemon balm oil is extracted from the plant named Melіѕѕа Оffісіnаlіѕ coming from Labiatae family. This essential oil is widely used in the aromatherapy. It brings peace of mind and has positive effect on normalizing the heart rate when you have quick pulse and palpitation. It is used for helping with menstrual problems and has excellent results in the treatment of oral herpes and fungal infections.
The plant comes from the Mediterranean region and its height is 60 cm. It mostly grows in iron-rich soils. It has small jagged and hairy leaves and white and pink florets.
Lemon balm oil has fresh sweet and citrus odor. It is yellow light and has watery viscosity.
Lemon balm oil is extracted from fresh florets, leaves and stems by steam distillation.

Chemical composition

The main chemical components of the oil are as follows: trans-ocimene, cis-ocimene, 3-octanone, methyl hepenone, cis-3-hexanol, 3-octanol, 1-octen-3-ol, copaene, Citronelal, linalool, b-bourbonene, caryophyllene-humulene, neral, germacrene-D, geranial, geranyl acetate, g-cadіnеnе, y саdіnеnе, nerola and geraniol.


Lemon balm oil is not toxic but may cause sensitivity and irritation and therefore it should not be used in large quantities. It should be avoided for use by pregnant women and people with very sensitive skin.


Prosenik, Ruen Municipality

Burgas Province


088 8670 312



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