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Lavender (Lavandula)

Is a variety of plants coming from Lamiaceae family. The name is most commonly used for species grown as herbs or for decoration. The most common type is Lavandula angustifolia (old name L.oficinalis).

Origin of lavender oil

Lavender is an evergreen shrub reaching 1 m height and has narrow grey and green leaves and beautiful purple and blue florets. Several varieties of wild lavender can be found in the Mediterranean region. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word “Lavera” which means “for washing”. Romans used lavender in their baths and introduced this culture in England as well.

Properties of lavender oil

Lavender oil has light and fresh fragrance. It’s colourless and sticky.
  • Lavender essential oil contains: linalyl acetate, linalol, geraniol, borneol, cineol, pinene, camphor, coumarin, and etc. Linalyl acetate is of the most particular importance and depending on the conditions of cultivation, this ester ranges from 30 to 60 %. French lavender oil is produced from Alpine lavender fields and has the highest quality. Bulgarian lavender oil is remarkable for its long lasting fragrance regardless of the low content of linalyl acetate. Bulgarian lavender concrete is no way inferior to the quality of the world patterns. Bulgaria is a world leader in the production growing up to 40 000 decares and exporting 90 % of lavender oil to France, Germany, Australia and America
  • Lavender oil has yellow-green colour. Well preserved, it has a strong, saturated fragrance that is slightly different from the floret aroma. It acquires fine aroma if diluted with spirits.
  • Quality features of Bulgarian lavender oil (according to Bulgarian State Standard (BDS)):
  • Appearance – easy moving transparent liquid;
  • Colour – yellowish;
  • Odor – characteristic of the lavender florets;
  • Water content – not allowed;
  • Specific weight – 0.880 – 0.900
  • Polarization at 100 mm tube – -1° to -10°;
  • Acid number – maximum of 1.00;
  • Linilase acetate – minimum of 33 %;
  • Solubility in 70 % alcohol – 1:10.


Lavender oil is extracted from the plant florets by steam distillation with profitability 1.4 % – 1.6 %.

Chemical composition

Main chemical components of lavender oil are: a-pinene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, cіѕ-ocіmene, tranѕ-ocіmene, 3-octanone, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, caryophyllene, terpinen-4-ol and lavender acetate.


Lavender oil is considered as one of the safest essential oils. Nevertheless its use must be terminated if any allergic reactions occur.

Therapeutic properties

Therapeutic properties of lavender oil are as follows: antiseptic, analgetic, anti-convulsive, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antispastic, anti-inflammatory, antivirus, bactericidal, carminative, stimulate the release of bile, cіcatrіѕant, сardiac, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, sedative, hypotensive, nervіne, heating, sedative, sweating method.


Prosenik, Ruen Municipality

Burgas Province


088 8670 312



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